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You bring me up and take me down like an old abandoned house

.:Saturday, January 28, 2006:.
I totally agree with floyd, chinablack was so sian now it doesn't appeal to me anymore not like one or two years ago where everyone were so excited when going to chinablack. The music was suck totally, old songs and keep repeating the same songs , the people there were like dancing crazily as if their butts are itchy. After Cinablack went down to Pavilion with the intention to surprise her even tough the party had finish, but i was totally disappointed guess what she say when i went up to her. " WHO IS THIS" that what she say me. At that point of time , i was so disappointed (even tough i knew she was kinda drunk ) and was so embarrass too as there's still quite alot people there. I straight away walk off. I was really damn hurt !!!

Today new year eve, while everybody had their reunion dinner , doing last min shopping at chinatown or preparing next day visiting relatives , i am stuck at home no reunion dinner, no last min shopping , no visiting of relatives etc. Simply just because my parents and sister were oversea and i was left alone here ...

.:edward blogged on 11:14 PM:.

.:Tuesday, January 24, 2006:.
2006 a sucky year ...

2006 indeed a sucky year , started off with new year kinda quarrel with jue , then grandma kana cancer, then i flunk my tests and assignment , now my hp spoil. Soon NS for me, what a " "year" for me.

.:edward blogged on 2:00 AM:.