Hey i'm back after 2 months of MIA haha...forgotten what i have done for the past 2 months but i believe should be assignment, assignment and assignment and training , training and training last weekend had a JS camp at palau ubin, was pretty xiong but i am happy that 6 of us (me,Aishah,Auf Khairi ,Chen Wah and Zane) survive and thanks for helping me when i kana gastric on the last day of the camp really a big thank you for u all and Sorry for not doing some of the exercise with you all . I'm glad that our bonding had become stronger and stronger in that 3 days camp , we even though of quitting in the JS camp but in the end we still hang it there ....Woah !!!!!!! haha.....
these few days alot of my friends was kind in a fucking mood include my buddy ..Sorry if i say anything or some sort "force" you all ...Really Sorry .....Hope u all will be okie ....
.:edward blogged on 11:58 PM:.